
What Our Branch Offers

The benefits of joining the San Francisco Branch include the ability to participate in branch recitals, concerts, master classes, festivals, and other events. You’ll also have the chance to network and find support within a local group of like-minded professionals.

Membership requirements for the Music Teachers' Association of California, San Francisco Branch is governed by guidelines set forth by the Music Teachers' Association of California.

Music teachers interested in joining the San Francisco Branch can find out more on the Memberships Page of the MTAC State website.

For more information about the San Francisco Branch, please contact our Membership Secretary, Abbygayle Baker.

Dues and Policies

Annual membership dues must be sent to the MTAC State Office on or before July 31st. Members who renew by this date are eligible to participate in Certificate of Merit for the following year and will be listed in the State Directory. Please refer to the MTAC State website for more information about registration and branch fees.

All transfer requests must be fully approved by both the State Office and the appropriate Branch on or before July 31st to ensure that a member's updated Branch information will be included in the State Directory.

Meetings and Social Hours

Our branch holds several meetings each year; All members are invited to come and meet with colleagues, exchange ideas and discuss issues of importance to the organization. Meetings often feature a prominent guest speaker on a topic of specific interest, followed by a social hour.


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